Wednesday, June 13, 2007

The Usual Suspects

The Usual Suspects is about five guys who are being questioned about being responible for a bomb that went off on a ship that was suspected of having drugs on it. There is a main guy that you don't see face during the whole movie and he's a very powerful and many many people are very scared of him. His name is Kaijsa Sojia or whatever. In the end of the movie they ends up being the only one of the five guys to survive and he was the really quite guy so I wasn't expecting it at all. This movie is also very confusing at times, and you need to really pay attention. The one problem i had was that there were alot of characters so it was hard to follow. I woudn't say that this movie is a must see but it is pretty good if anyone gets the chance they should sit down and watch. But keep in mind that you have to pay close attention because it's very easy to get confused!

1 comment:

MzQbit said...

I'm glad that you liked the movie. I hope that in the end, blogging wasn't all bad. I enjoyed hearing your opinions and ideas about issues. Good luck and have fun - we will miss you1